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vector2(x, y) -> vector2

  • x: The x component of the vector.
  • y: The y component of the vector. Create a vector2 object.

vector2.x = float

x component of vector2.

vector2.y = float

y component of vector2.

vector2:add(vector2) -> vector2

Add a vector2 to this vector2.

vector2:sub(vector2) -> vector2

Subtract a vector2 from this vector2.

vector2:mul(vector2) -> vector2

Multiply this vector2 by a vector2.

vector2:div(vector2) -> vector2

Divide this vector2 by a vector2.

vector2:length() -> float

Get the length of this vector2.

vector2:normalize() -> vector2

Normalize this vector2.


vector3(x, y, z) -> vector3

  • x: The x component of the vector.
  • y: The y component of the vector.
  • z: The z component of the vector. Create a vector3 object.

vector3.x = float

x component of vector3.

vector3.y = float

y component of vector3.

vector3.z = float

z component of vector3.

vector3:add(vector3) -> vector3

Add a vector3 to this vector3.

vector3:sub(vector3) -> vector3

Subtract a vector3 from this vector3.

vector3:mul(vector3) -> vector3

Multiply this vector3 by a vector3.

vector3:div(vector3) -> vector3

Divide this vector3 by a vector3.

vector3:length() -> float

Get the length of this vector3.

vector3:normalize() -> vector3

Normalize this vector3.

vector3:copy() -> vector3

Copy this vector3.

vector3:forward() -> vector3

Get the forward vector3.


point2i(x, y) -> point2i

Create a Point2i object.

point2i.x = int

x component of Point2i.

point2i.y = int

y component of Point2i.


color(r, g, b, a) -> color

  • r: The red component of the color.
  • g: The green component of the color.
  • b: The blue component of the color.
  • a: The alpha component of the color. Create a color object.

color.r = float

red component of color.

color.g = float

green component of color.

color.b = float

blue component of color.

color.a = float

alpha component of color.



Create a texture object.


string: The path to the texture. Load a texture from a file.


color: The color to fill the texture with. Fill the texture with a color.


color: The color to blend the texture with. Blend the texture with a color.

texture:copy() -> texture

Copy the texture.

texture:size() -> vector2

Get the size of the texture.


font() -> font

Create a font object.


string: The path to the font. Load a font from a file.

font:render_text(texture,string, color)

  • texture: The texture to render the text to.
  • string: The text to render.
  • color: The color to render the text with. Render text to a texture.


draw2d is a class that draws 2D images.


Draws the image.

draw2d.position = vector2

The position of the image.

draw2d.scale = vector2

The scale of the image.

draw2d.rotation = float

The rotation of the image.

draw2d.texture = texture

The texture of the image.

draw2d.vertex_name = string

The name of the model name.

draw2d:user_data_at(integer, float)

  • integer: The index of the user data.
  • float: The value of the user data.


  • vector2: The position of the image.
  • float: The rotation of the image.
  • vector2: The scale of the image.

draw2d:at(integer, vector2,float,vector2)

  • integer: The index of the image.
  • vector2: The position of the image.
  • float: The rotation of the image.
  • vector2: The scale of the image.


Clears the images.


drawui is a class that draws UI images.


Draws the image.

drawui.position = vector2

The position of the image.

drawui.scale = vector2

The scale of the image.

drawui.rotation = float

The rotation of the image.

drawui.texture = texture

The texture of the image.

drawui.vertex_name = string

The name of the model name.

drawui:user_data_at(integer, float)

  • integer: The index of the user data.
  • float: The value of the user data.


  • vector2: The position of the image.
  • float: The rotation of the image.
  • vector2: The scale of the image.

drawui:at(integer, vector2,float,vector2)

  • integer: The index of the image.
  • vector2: The position of the image.
  • float: The rotation of the image.
  • vector2: The scale of the image.


draw3d is a class that draws 3D images.


Draws the image.

draw3d.position = vector3

The position of the image.

draw3d.scale = vector3

The scale of the image.

draw3d.rotation = vector3

The rotation of the image.

draw3d.texture = texture

The texture of the image.

draw3d.vertex_name = string

The name of the model name.

draw3d:user_data_at(integer, float)

  • integer: The index of the user data.
  • float: The value of the user data.


  • vector3: The position of the image.
  • vector3: The rotation of the image.
  • vector3: The scale of the image.

draw3d:at(integer, vector3,vector3,vector3)

  • integer: The index of the image.
  • vector3: The position of the image.
  • vector3: The rotation of the image.
  • vector3: The scale of the image.


Clears the images.


camera:look_at(vector3, vector3, vector3)

  • vector3: The position of the camera.
  • vector3: The position to look at.
  • vector3: The up vector. Look at a position.

camera:perspective(float, float, float, float)

  • float: The field of view.
  • float: The aspect ratio.
  • float: The near plane.
  • float: The far plane. Set the perspective of the camera.

camera:orthographic(float, float, float, float, float, float)

  • float: The left plane.
  • float: The right plane.
  • float: The bottom plane.
  • float: The top plane.
  • float: The near plane.
  • float: The far plane. Set the orthographic projection of the camera.

camera.position = vector3

The position of the camera. = vector3

The target of the camera.

camera.up = vector3

The up vector of the camera.



  • string: The path to the music. Load music from a file.


Play the music.


  • float: The volume to set the music to. Set the volume of the music.



  • string: The path to the sound. Load sound from a file.


Play the sound.


  • float: The volume to set the sound to. Set the volume of the sound.


  • float: The pitch to set the sound to. Set the pitch of the sound.


  • vector3: The position of the listener. Set the position of the listener.


  • vector3: The position of the sound. Set the position of the sound.


aabb.min = vector3

The minimum point of the AABB.

aabb.max = vector3

The maximum point of the AABB.



  • string: The path to the model. Load a model from a file.

model.aabb = aabb

The AABB of the model.


random:get_int_range(integer, integer) -> integer

  • integer: The minimum value.
  • integer: The maximum value. Get a random integer in a range.

random:get_float_range(float, float) -> float

  • float: The minimum value.
  • float: The maximum value. Get a random float in a range.


window -> string

Get the name of the window.


  • string: The name to rename the window to. Rename the window.

window.size() -> vector2

Get the size of the window.


  • vector2: The size to resize the window to. Resize the window.

window.resized() -> bool

Get whether or not the window has been resized. -> vector2

Get the center of the window.


  • bool: Whether or not to set the window to fullscreen. Set or unset the window to fullscreen.



  • texture: The texture to set the skybox to. Set the skybox texture.

renderer.clear_color() -> color

Get the clear color of the renderer.


  • color: The color to set the clear color to. Set the clear color of the renderer.

renderer.at_render_texture_user_data(integer, float)

  • integer: The index of the user data.
  • float: The value of the user data. Shader user data for the render texture.



  • string: The name of the scene to load. Load a scene from data/scene/.

scene.main_camera() -> camera

Get the main camera of the scene.

scene.get_actor(string) -> actor

  • string: The name of the actor to get. Get an actor from the scene.

scene.size() -> vector2

Get the size of the scene.


  • vector2: The size to resize the scene to. Resize the scene. -> vector2

Get the center of the scene.


collision.aabb_aaabb(aabb, aabb) -> bool

  • aabb: The first AABB.
  • aabb: The second AABB. Check if two AABBs are colliding.


keyboard.is_pressed(code) -> bool

  • code: The key to check. Check if a key is pressed.

keyboard.is_released(code) -> bool

  • code: The key to check. Check if a key is released.

keyboard.is_down(code) -> bool

  • code: The key to check. Check if a key is down.

keyboard.A = code

The key code for A.

keyboard.B = code

The key code for B.

keyboard.C = code

The key code for C.

keyboard.D = code

The key code for D.

keyboard.E = code

The key code for E.

keyboard.F = code

The key code for F.

keyboard.G = code

The key code for G.

keyboard.H = code

The key code for H.

keyboard.I = code

The key code for I.

keyboard.J = code

The key code for J.

keyboard.K = code

The key code for K.

keyboard.L = code

The key code for L.

keyboard.M = code

The key code for M.

keyboard.N = code

The key code for N.

keyboard.O = code

The key code for O.

keyboard.P = code

The key code for P.

keyboard.Q = code

The key code for Q.

keyboard.R = code

The key code for R.

keyboard.S = code

The key code for S.

keyboard.T = code

The key code for T.

keyboard.U = code

The key code for U.

keyboard.V = code

The key code for V.

keyboard.W = code

The key code for W.

keyboard.X = code

The key code for X.

keyboard.Y = code

The key code for Y.

keyboard.Z = code

The key code for Z.

keyboard.key0 = code

The key code for 0.

keyboard.key1 = code

The key code for 1.

keyboard.key2 = code

The key code for 2.

keyboard.key3 = code

The key code for 3.

keyboard.key4 = code

The key code for 4.

keyboard.key5 = code

The key code for 5.

keyboard.key6 = code

The key code for 6.

keyboard.key7 = code

The key code for 7.

keyboard.key8 = code

The key code for 8.

keyboard.key9 = code

The key code for 9.

keyboard.F1 = code

The key code for F1.

keyboard.F2 = code

The key code for F2.

keyboard.F3 = code

The key code for F3.

keyboard.F4 = code

The key code for F4.

keyboard.F5 = code

The key code for F5.

keyboard.F6 = code

The key code for F6.

keyboard.F7 = code

The key code for F7.

keyboard.F8 = code

The key code for F8.

keyboard.F9 = code

The key code for F9.

keyboard.F10 = code

The key code for F10.

keyboard.F11 = code

The key code for F11.

keyboard.F12 = code

The key code for F12.

keyboard.UP = code

The key code for the up arrow.

keyboard.DOWN = code

The key code for the down arrow.

keyboard.LEFT = code

The key code for the left arrow.

keyboard.RIGHT = code

The key code for the right arrow.

keyboard.ESCAPE = code

The key code for the escape key.

keyboard.SPACE = code

The key code for the space key.

keyboard.ENTER = code

The key code for the enter key.

keyboard.BACKSPACE = code

The key code for the backspace key.

keyboard.TAB = code

The key code for the tab key.

keyboard.LSHIFT = code

The key code for the left shift key.

keyboard.RSHIFT = code

The key code for the right shift key.

keyboard.LCTRL = code

The key code for the left control key.

keyboard.RCTRL = code

The key code for the right control key.

keyboard.ALT = code

The key code for the alt key.


mouse.position() -> vector2

Get the position of the mouse.

mouse.position_on_scene() -> vector2

Get the position of the mouse on the scene.


  • vector2: The position to set the mouse to. Set the position of the mouse.


  • vector2: The position to set the mouse to. Set the position of the mouse on the scene.

mouse.is_pressed(code) -> bool

  • code: The button to check. Check if a mouse button is pressed.

mouse.is_released(code) -> bool

  • code: The button to check. Check if a mouse button is released.

mouse.is_down(code) -> bool

  • code: The button to check. Check if a mouse button is down.

mouse.scroll_wheel() -> vector2

Get the scroll wheel of the mouse.


  • bool: Whether to hide the cursor or not. Hide the cursor.

mouse.LEFT = code

The mouse button code for the left button.

mouse.RIGHT = code

The mouse button code for the right button.

mouse.MIDDLE = code

The mouse button code for the middle button.

mouse.X1 = code

The mouse button code for the first extra button.

mouse.X2 = code

The mouse button code for the second extra button.


gamepad.is_connected() -> bool

Check if a gamepad is connected.

gamepad.is_pressed(code) -> bool

  • code: The button to check. Check if a gamepad button is pressed.

gamepad.is_released(code) -> bool

  • code: The button to check. Check if a gamepad button is released.

gamepad.is_down(code) -> bool

  • code: The button to check. Check if a gamepad button is down.

gamepad.left_stick() -> vector2

Get the left stick of the gamepad.

gamepad.right_stick() -> vector2

Get the right stick of the gamepad.

gamepad.INVALID = code

The gamepad button code for an invalid button.

gamepad.A = code

The gamepad button code for A.

gamepad.B = code

The gamepad button code for B.

gamepad.X = code

The gamepad button code for X.

gamepad.Y = code

The gamepad button code for Y.

gamepad.BACK = code

The gamepad button code for the back button.

gamepad.START = code

The gamepad button code for the start button.

gamepad.GUIDE = code

The gamepad button code for the guide button.

gamepad.LEFTSTICK = code

The gamepad button code for the left stick button.

gamepad.RIGHTSTICK = code

The gamepad button code for the right stick button.

gamepad.LEFTSHOULDER = code

The gamepad button code for the left shoulder button.

gamepad.RIGHTSHOULDER = code

The gamepad button code for the right shoulder button.

gamepad.DPAD_UP = code

The gamepad button code for the dpad up button.

gamepad.DPAD_DOWN = code

The gamepad button code for the dpad down button.

gamepad.DPAD_LEFT = code

The gamepad button code for the dpad left button.

gamepad.DPAD_RIGHT = code

The gamepad button code for the dpad right button.

gamepad.MISC1 = code

The gamepad button code for the first misc button.

gamepad.PADDLE1 = code

The gamepad button code for the first paddle button.

gamepad.PADDLE2 = code

The gamepad button code for the second paddle button.

gamepad.PADDLE3 = code

The gamepad button code for the third paddle button.

gamepad.PADDLE4 = code

The gamepad button code for the fourth paddle button.

gamepad.TOUCHPAD = code

The gamepad button code for the touchpad button.